Friday, March 29, 2019



Originally from Scotland, Grant  has always had a fascination with the natural world and in particular the ocean. After finishing a degree in Engineering he  took the opportunity to travel. This was the best decision he has  ever made, as it was traveling that really developed his passion for photography. He  was, and still very much is, dedicated to capturing the real beauty of the places he  visits.

Soon after leaving Scotland Grant began working as a PADI Dive instructor and purchased his first underwater housing. Photography was no longer just a part of his life, it had become his life. He now works as a freelance photographer and expedition guide, leading a variety of tours and workshops to encounter and photograph animals such as humpback whales and orca. His work has taken him around the world from the warm tropical waters of Indonesia to the glacier covered landscape of the Arctic.      

Grant has always been absolutely mesmerised by the stories that a wide angle photograph can tell and his work emulates this. His unique over-under style imagery  creates a strong visual connection between the terrestrial world we all know and the more mysterious underwater world. Through his images he  aims to exhibit the incredible life we have on our planet in hope of inspiring more people to appreciate and care for it.

I have also attached a profile picture for you. With regards to the 20 to 30 photo's, is it possible to take them from my facebook page for now as i am currently at sea in Indonesia so my internet is not great. I can send you the high resolution versions at a later date if necessary though. 

Grant Thomas Instagram  Facebook  

British Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018
Grand Prize winner Ocean Conservancy 2018

Winner World Oceans Day Human interaction category 2018

Winner Deep Indonesia Divers category 2018

Winner Deep Indonesia Over-Unders category 2018

Friday, March 8, 2019


Stefano Cerbai, nato a Firenze nel 1983, già da piccolo, amante del mare e dei suoi abitanti.
Nel 2005 si avvicina alla subacquea riuscendo a brevettarsi in più livelli con SSI e UTR.
Amante della fotografia naturalistica prima della subacquea, decide di abbinare le sue due grandi passioni.

Inizia a fotografare con una Casio Exilim Z700 ed un Flash Sea & Sea YS-10, passando successivamente, prima ad una Canon G12 e poi ad una Nikon D7200 (entrambe scafandrate Isotecnic) corredata dagli obiettivi Nikon 40mm, Nikon 60mm, Nikon 105mm per la macro e Nikon 10.5 e Tokina 10-17 per la Wide. Infine per completare l’attrezzatura usa due Flash Ikelite DS161 e Lenti addizionali SubSee +5 e +10.
Ha partecipato a diversi Trofei, Concorsi di Fotografia Nazionali ed Internazionali, come quello di Abissi Underwater Venice salendo sul podio nel 2010, nel 2012, nel 2016 e nel 2017; Ocean Art nel 2017 e ricevendo una Menzione d’Onore all’ Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018.
Ha partecipato inoltre agli ultimi Campionati Italiani di Fotografia Subacquea, riuscendo nel 2017 a salire anche sul podio con un terzo posto assoluto nella Categoria Compatte, due secondi posti nella Categoria Società nel 2020 e 2021 e diventare Campione Italiano per Società nel 2022. 

Stefano Cerbai, born in Florence in 1983, already a child, a lover of the sea and its inhabitants.

In 2005 he approached diving and was able to patent himself in several levels with SSI and UTR.A lover of nature photography before diving, he decides to combine his two great passions. He starts to photograph with a Casio Exilim Z700 and a Flash Sea & Sea YS-10, passing successively, first to a Canon G12 and then to a Nikon D7200 (housing Isotecnic) equipped with Nikon 40mm lenses, Nikon 60mm, Nikon 105mm for the macro and Nikon 10.5 and Tokina 10-17 for the Wide. Finally, to complete the equipment uses two Flash Ikelite DS161 and additional lenses SubSee +5 and +10.He has participated in several Trophies, National and International Photography Competitions, such as that of Abissi Underwater Venice arriving on the podium in 2010, 2012, 2016 and 2017; Ocean Art in 2017 and receiving a Honorable Mention at the Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018. He also participated in the last Italian Underwater Photography Championships, succeeding in 2017 also on the podium with an absolute third place in the Compact category, two second places in the Club Category in 2020 and 2021 and become Italian Club Champion in 2022.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


ALESSANDRO GIANNACCINI nasce il 3 novembre del 1989 a Pietrasanta una città ricca di storia situata in Toscana .Fin da piccolo vive il mare nelle splendide spiagge della versilia, passando le giornate con il nonno,“lupo di mare”il quale gli tramette l'amore per il mare ,passioni e saperi di una vita.

A 18 anni si diploma come Tecnico Industriale e inizia subito un percorso lavorativo nel suo settore,mentre la passione per la fotografia avanza sempre di più fino a che si fonde con altre due passioni legate al mare : l'apnea e la subacquea .

Negli anni successivi la fotosub più che una passione diventa una priorità nella vita di Alessandro,segue tutti i corsi subacquei ,le specializzazioni fipsas e studia fotografia.

Nel 2014 vince il campionato italiano di fotografia subacquea fipsas individuale nella cat compatte,

nel 2015 gli viene riconosciuto il pegaso per lo sport e la medaglia di bronzo al valore atletico dal CONI per le vittorie ;da li in poi saranno molteplici le vittorie e i concorsi che si aggiudica ,alcuni anche a livello internazionale.

Oggi Alessandro ama viaggiare e porta avanti la sua passione esplorando il mare valorizzandolo attraverso le sue fotografie .

Alessandro was born on 3 November 1989 in Pietrasanta, a city rich in history located in tuscany. Since childhood he lives the sea in the beautiful beaches of Versilia,passing the days with his grandfather, sea wolf which he transmits to him the love for the sea, passions and knowledge of a life. At 18 years old hegraduated as an industrial technician and immediately begins a career in his field while the passion for photography is advancing more and more until it merges with two other passions related to the sea: freediving and diving.

In the following years the underwater photography more than a passion, it becomes a priority in Alessandro's life,he follows all the diving courses,the specializations fipsas and studies photography. In 2014 he won the italian championship of individual underwater photography in the compact category, in 2015 he is recognized the pegasus for sport and the bronze medal wih athletic value from CONI for victories; from then on there will be many victories and competitions that he wins, some also at the internetional level. Today Alessandro loves to travel and carries on his passion exploring the sea enhacing it through its photos.