Monday, June 25, 2018



He was born in Catania in 1965 and cultivates, since he was a boy, his interest in the sea. The self-taught path turns out to be long and complex until the moment when, in 1993, after having obtained the diver's patent, he joined the staff of the Scuba School of Catania, with whom he undertook an intense activity in the educational field ended in 2001 , to devote himself exclusively to photographic activity. 

Since 1994 he has been an active member of the G.R.O.Sub (Underwater Researchers Group) of Catania, where he was able to specialize in sports reportage and naturalistic photography, with particular attention to the wonderful underwater world. In 1997 he won the Italian Championship for Underwater Photography Society in extemporaneous, held in Sardinia. 

In the same year he joined the National Photographic Arts Association and participated assiduously in all the events and competitions both local and national, obtaining a series of awards from the amateur photo world. Photographs indifferently in color and black white, favoring this latest technique with good results and critical acclaim. In 1999 he successfully participated in a course of "reading the image" held by Prof. Enzo Carli. 

He holds courses in underwater photography as part of the educational activities carried out by the G.R.O. Sub CT. Since 1994 he participates in the competitive activity of FIPSAS, in the Cacciafotosub specialty, sport category (in freediving). 

Since 2003, after having attended a federal course, he plays the role of juror in the selective competitions of Underwater Photography, valid for access to the Italian championship. 

His images are kept in the Underwater Photography section of the Museum of Photography of Caltagirone and at the Museum of Lava Stone in Bronte, located inside the Duchy of Nelson. Moreover, his underwater images are part of the photographic archive of the Faculty of Marine Biology of the University of Catania. 

He collaborates with his images to the institutional communication activities of the Protected Marine Area of ​​the Ciclopi Islands (Acitrezza) and with the photo and video production agency "Obbiettivo Natura", based in Catania. Photograph with Canon EOS analog devices in custody. Images published on: Fotosub, Taormina Magazine, Sikania, ANAF Newsletter, Print Flash, The Wanted Sicily, Atmosphere, Underwater World, The Underwater, Aquatic Dermatology (Ed. Sprinter), Catania Medical.

In 2018 he won the first prize at the Trophy ISOTTA


Nathalie Rodrigues 

I was born in Paris and for 12 years I live on the island of the Indian Ocean meeting 
my nursing profession allowed me to travel and settle on this island.

My passion is photography and marine biodiversity especially the infinitely small 
I love macro and super macro. 

I started with a compact and for 5 years I'm going to reflex I have a Nikon D7100 
I use different lens like Nauticam and Noodilab.

A big party of my photos are done in apnea in the Reunion lagoons. 

I have been awarded in different competitions: 

1er prix Macro au Salon de la plongé pour les 20 ans du Salon a Paris

1er prix Amateur
Fête Européenne de l’Image Sous-Marine et de l’Environnement
Baleine de Bronze 

1er prix Amateur 
Fête Européenne de l’Image Sous-Marine et de l’Environnement 
Baleine de Bronze 
La 3e édition du Festival de l'Image sous-marine de la Réunion 2017
2016 1er prix macro salon de la plongé

Wednesday, June 13, 2018




Native of Trieste, born in '59, has always been passionate about the sea, obtains the first FIPSAS-CMAS patent in 1989. In 1992, while on holiday in the Maldives, he attended a fotosub course and, seeing the encouraging results, started to practice with enthusiasm the underwater photography, first with a Nikonos V and then with a Nikon SLR camera. After a few years he start with the agonism, first in the safari fotosub, a specialty that consists in "catching" the largest number of species of fish, and then also in the fotosub.
Italian safarifotosub champion cat. ARA master 2008 and 2011.
Italian fotosub champion 2005. 
National in 2005 at the fotosub world championships in Spain. 
Since 2002 he has obtained various victories, placements and mentions in national and international fotosub competitions.

Triestino, classe ’59, da sempre appassionato di mare, ottiene il primo brevetto FIPSAS-CMAS  nel 1989. Nel ’92, mentre era in vacanza alle Maldive, frequenta un corso di fotosub e visti i risultati incoraggianti, inizia a praticare con entusiasmo la fotografia subacquea dapprima con una Nikonos V e sucessivamente con una reflex Nikon scafandrata. Dopo qualche anno approda all’agonismo, dapprima nel safarifotosub, specialità che consiste nel “catturare” il maggior numero di specie di pesci, e poi anche nella fotosub.
Campione italiano safarifotosub cat. ARA master 2008 e 2011.
Campione italiano fotosub 2005.
Nazionale nel 2005 ai campionati del mondo di fotosub in Spagna.
Dal 2002 ha ottenuto varie vittorie, piazzamenti e menzioni in concorsi fotosub nazionali  ed internazionali